Guaranteed, Healthy & Sustainable Results That Last!




Healthy & sustainably easy meals to prepare is the foundation to health, wellness, energy and focus. We customise your meal plans to suit your individual needs including weight loss, athletic performance, reduce stress and anxiety, vegan, vegetarian, gluten free and other intolerances. Quick, simple, tasty, and delicious food is the key to our plans. There is no dieting.



Your current level of health & fitness does not matter. We create tailored solutions specifically to meet your goals and abilities right now with a precise program to progress you to the next level at a pace that is appropriate for you with a strong emphasis on proper weightlifting technique



What we do is provide life results for people and do it through health, fitness, accountability. We do it by having a life strategy. We help people get the life, the body and the health and fitness they want and deserve which spills over into all aspects of their life.



You can have it all if there’s a plan for the results. How do I do it, I’m able to run a very successful business, have 2 kids, still stay in shape and be in the top 1% of health for my age. You can have it all if you have a life results plan. Our results are proven, just see for yourself by going to our Success Stories.



Many of our clients have been working with us for 10+ years because we form such an integral, trusted member of their families. We are here to support you through the highs , lows and challenges you face on a daily basis to ensure your sustainable success. You are a part of our family. We are here for YOU to help you succeed no matter what!



Most trainers have a “run and done” mentality. What we have is daily health, fitness and life accountability. We really do treat your health and wellness as preciously as our own. YOUR success is our number one priority!

We create individually customised programs which deliver guaranteed life results through health, fitness, nutrition and accountability. Bringing a level of professionalism, maturity, customer service & focus that is often missing from the fitness industry.



Increase Energy & Focus

Ever notice how when you are more energised you are also more focused? Well, it’s not a coincidence!  Energy and focus are connected in our brain and are symptoms of our overall health.  Optimise these and your life-results skyrocket. Our programs achieve this for you through the right balance of strength, cardio, customised nutrition plans, and accountability.


Reduce Risk of Chronic illnesses & Diseases

Through almost four decades of focus in optimising human performance, Studioz Founder, Robb Evans, has noticed that you can go through life for 20 to 30 years abusing your body with whatever you can throw at it, before your body starts to send you feedback that you may not like! From lack of energy, pain through to the most serious of illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, dementia, cancers and other overweight and obesity related diseases. Our program dramatically improves your health and reduce the risk of such suffering.


Improve Self-Image & Self-Confidence

Whether you’re wanting to lose weight and keep it off, get fit and healthy, or get buffed, the transformation journey you are about to commence will help bring your sexy back and improve your self-confidence and self-esteem. Let’s face it, we all want to look good naked – a nice bonus outcome from tweaking your lifestyle habits to make them healthier and more sustainable. Our program gives you all the tools and accountability you need for success. We make sure you are successful.



Get into Shape Now!


“The mind, body and soul transformational journey I’ve undergone with Studioz has been such an amazing experience and I’m extremely grateful. My Coach Robb has designed a tailored nutritional plan along with a training program that has made it possible to achieve my goals. Every step of the way Robb has been there to help support, guide, motivate and encourage me, consistently pushing me to prove to myself that I can and will exceed my expectations. Not just in person, texts, emails and his daily podcasts truly help me stay inspired. Thank you Robb.”


Kristy Whiting, 30 yrs – Pakenham  IT Student

“In 10 weeks, I lost 17.5 kg & am now at the lowest weight I’ve seen in 10 years.  My fitness is amazing as I couldn’t dream of being able to run 10kms or lift the weights that I am.  I fit into the smallest of the clothes in my wardrobe & need to shop for smaller ones! My goals feel so much closer now & I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  What I eat is as much habit as it is choice. Knowing the consequences of those choices is the strongest friend anyone can have for the fight against obesity & weight loss.  Thanks  Robb, I’m a stronger person for meeting you.”


Gary Tones, 35yrs – Pakenham
Sales Consultant

“I was very inspired, particularly by my daughter’s impressive health change and weight loss recently as a result of a personalised eating plan and exercise regime put together by Robb, so decided I needed to follow in her footsteps.  As I’m in my early 50s, going through menopause, and limited in what exercise I can do, I was greatly encouraged to find that successful weight loss is much more about what you put in your mouth than how much exercise you do!  Robb’s encouraging feedback and improvement suggestions help spur me on more than he realises!”


Janice Eshuis, 53yrs – Drouin
Mother of 2

“I could not have achieved these results without him. He is friendly, motivating, encouraging & has insight & knowledge in how best to achieve the weight loss. I weighed 104kg when I first met Robb & now am currently 85.5kg, we achieved this in a time I wasn’t expecting.My advice to anyone considering weight loss is, if you are 100% committed to lose weight once & for all, or you want to achieve your own personal fitness / health goals, sit down & have a chat with Robb today.  You will be able to achieve your fitness goals.”


Alex Campbel, 23 yrs – Pakenham
Property Developer
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Getting into Shape


“Training with Studioz has helped me improve my physical health, mental health and overall wellbeing.  I have now committed to myself with exercise & nutrition to help prolong my health into older age.”

“The mind, body & soul transformational journey I’ve undergone with Studioz has been an amazing experience.  Robb has designed a tailored nutritional plan & training program making it possible to achieve my goals.”

“I’ve lost 19kgs! I feel stronger, fitter & more energised than ever.  I couldn’t have done this without you Studioz. I’ve shrunk everywhere thanks to you and have finally been able reclaim my body after having 7 children!”

Passionate Advocate For


Live ABC Interview – New Funding for Eating Disorder Recovery

Channel 9 Interview – Eating Disorders & Social Justice

60 Minutes Interview – The Toxicity of Social media

Schedule a FREE Consultation Today!


Today is the Day You Change Your Life.
There is No cost to You, No Obligation & Nothing to Lose.
Make the Commitment to Yourself Right Now!