Our Approach

When you decide to work with Studioz Personal Training, you will quickly see that correct nutrition forms the foundation for you Banana smoothieachieving your fitness goals.  It doesn’t matter whether it’s to lose fat, gain muscle, improve athletic performance or just optimise your health and improve your eating habits, if you don’t get the fundamentals of your nutrition right you’ll just end up spinning your wheels and going nowhere fast!

This is why we are different to other Personal Trainers – we focus on giving you all the tools you need to take care of your exercise, mindset AND your nutrition.  This is why we also have our own app called “My Nutrition Coach” (see below for further details), to make sure that you have the latest technology at your finger tips and help you stay accountable!  We are the one stop shop for all your health and fitness needs.

Your nutrition comes first and we focus on getting that right before we get stuck into the physical training.  You can’t “out train” poor nutrition, so we set you up with your individually tailored meal plan to suit your fitness goals and ensure you get the best results possible in a safe and sustainable manner.  We don’t give you a diet.  We give you an individually tailored  meal plan that uses real food that you like and teach you the principles of sustainable healthy eating to empower you forever!

Best of all, our nutrition programs are 100% guaranteed and work every single time!  Without exception!

Specific Nutrition Services

Note:  All our Nutrition Programs come with full free access to our app called My Nutrition Coach.  This enables all your Meal Plans & Shopping Lists to be delivered to your mobile phone (see below for further details).

Studioz Personal Training offers a range of Nutrition Services from individual one-off customised program through to ongoing tailored weekly solutions designed to meet your individual health and fitness goals. Review the details of our programs HERE.

Our app “My Nutrition Coach”

Click for demonstration
Click for a demo!

Mobile technology has made our lives so much more convenient.  We have immediate access to things anytime and anywhere.  The “My Nutrition Coach” mobile app enables you to have access to your meal plans right to your phone (iPhone, iPad, and Android smart phones).  This convenient method means higher levels of adherence to your plan and better results for YOU!  My Nutrition Coach is very easy to use and provides an extra level of accountability to ensure your success.

Make sure you watch our brief video demonstration to see how you can harness the power of the app to help reach YOUR fitness goals sooner!

You can get started immediately by opting in for a FREE no obligation Private Fitness and Weight Loss Diagnostic Consultation, just click HERE.