Christmas Gift #8 – One-Time Tailored Workout, Nutrition Plan & 30 Days Online Coaching

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Gift 8

One-TimeTailored Workout, Nutrition Plan & 30 Days Online Coaching Program – $177

Only 13 Packages available


This is an ideal option for those wanting to create structure with their nutrition and workouts without ongoing coaching.

Program includes:

* Health & Fitness Coaching Consultation (30mins)

* Individually Tailored Nutrition Plan

* Customised Workout (Strength & Cardio)

* Detailed Nutrition Plan Walkthrough (60mins)

* Detailed Workout Plan Walkthrough (30mins)

* 30 Days of Online Coaching Support

* Access to our Accountability app My Nutrition Coach

* A Signed Copy of Awaken the Sexy Within

* Access to our private Facebook group to obtain access to exclusive content, have your questions answered and be inspired and connected to like-minded health and fitness enthusiasts.

Click on the link below to access this offer NOW!!