High Profile US Attorney Thrives on Honesty, Integrity & Passion

When I was in Los Angeles last year attending a conference with 2,500 people from 75 countries around the world, I had the pleasure of meeting Steve Mandell (pictured far left).  Steve is the Chairman and CEO of Gameplan Entertainment, is an Attorney that specialises in representation, sponsorship, licensing and brand development. Steve has worked with prominent individuals in the areas of Sports, Television, Radio and Publishing and other high-profile personalities in brand development, marketing and business development. Steve has been associated with major high-profile brands and product development for retail distribution and develops branded programs with major corporate endorsement and sponsorships.
It was fascinating listening to Steve as he talked about working with some of the best sports stars on the planet and negotiating deals on their behalf.  Steve said;
“It’s crucial to act with honesty and integrity. That’s the most important aspect of negotiating.  Explain what you want, be very clear and be sure to role-play how you will deliver your negotiations.”


Practice makes perfect and even at the highest levels of negotiation, despite Steve’s expertise and experience, he still endorses role-playing to ensure you get it right in the moment.  Fantastic advice.  Great advice and certainly had me reflecting on the elements of my life and business endeavours that I could be practicing more than I currently do to achieve a greater outcome.


What I also learned was Steve’s fantastic outlook to life and success. Life is a series of choices and decisions we make, but often the difference between making it and not is that we don’t have a blueprint for success. Steve outlined some great success principles;


“You must have a vision, mission and plan for your life.  You need passion to be successful.  When you tap into your passion, you’ll find a way that drives you to success.  Life is like a pinball machine. You need to know how to pivot so that you are adaptable to life’s challenges. The more successful you become; you can find yourself surrounded by an increasing environment of negativity. You must life yourself above the negative energy.”


“Have confidence in what you are doing, and you must be your own advocate.”


A powerful and inspiring interview Steve and congratulations on your amazing success.


If you want to start your very own success journey and learn how you can pivot to obtain the body and health you desire, get started with our FREE Consultation where I will show you how you can have more energy and feel better is as little as 3 days!  All our Success Stories started by taking this same first step.