Spring has officially arrived and the change from long cold nights has rolled into warmer, brighter days.  With the change of the seasons comes a renewed time to rethink  and restart.  Spring is a great time to start or kick-up a fitness program because you are going to create good habits for the spring months and into the holiday season.

Here’s a few ways you can start making the most of the season.   And who knows? This year, you might be in great shape before that New Year’s Eve party even rolls around.

Take advantage of the weather.  Spring can be a treat for the senses – crisp, cool air, spring flowers.. These months are a great time to exercise outdoors and enjoy warmer temperatures.  Walking, hiking and cycling are great outdoor options for the spring.  And remember, it doesn’t have to seem like exercise to be a great workout – getting your garden ready for spring/summer is a great way to get the heart pumping and it’s great calorie-burning.

Think outside the box.  Always wanted to learn to tap dance? Attempt to box? Master the jump rope? Spring is a great time to learn something new.  Many fitness classes get started in the spring, so come in and see if something intrigues you.

Deal with darkness.  The best way to enjoy spring is to exercise outdoors, but it still gets dark early, so be smart and safe.  If walking or running outdoors, wear a reflective vest and carry a flashlight; when cycling, affix a light to your helmet or bike.

Dress in layers.  When exercising outside, layer your clothing.  Before your body warms up, you may feel cool, but once the blood gets pumping, you’ll feel overdressed.  It is easy to remove layers.

And lastly, find your motivation.  People are motivated by different things.  It’s important to first discover what your individual goals are, whether it’s losing weight, strengthening and toning, preparing for a race or event…whatever your reason, we at Studioz Personal Training are here to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.